Siavash Moghadami
Born in Tehran, Iran, Siavash received his B.Sc./M.Sc. in Biochemistry and Chemical Biology (Summa cum laude, Highest Distinction, and Departmental Honors) from the University of California at San Diego in 2022, studying the in-vivo conversion of glial cells into functional neurons using single-cell multi-omics and spatial genomics/transcriptomics with Don W. Cleveland and Bogdan Bintu. While at UCSD, Siavash also worked on developing the periodic table of mice and human brain cell types in a pan-brain fashion using Multiplexed Error Robust Fluorescent In-situ Hybridization (MERFISH) technique as part of the NIH Brain Initiative Cell-atlas Network (BICAN). Siavash also conducted research in the laboratory of Joe Gleeson at UCSD, working on molecular and biochemical mechanisms of MBOAT7-linked neurodevelopmental disorders and the contribution of cell-type-specific regulatory elements to autism features using single-cell multi-omics. Upon graduation, Siavash received the Harold C. Urey Award for exceptional academic achievement from UCSD. Currently, Siavash is a Ph.D. student in the Biosciences program at the Department of Chemical and Systems Biology and is co-advised by Carolyn Bertozzi and Longzhi Tan (Department of Neurobiology). While not in the lab, he enjoys reading books, learning Artificial Intelligence, traveling, cooking, or picking up a new skill.