Johannes Florian Hevler, PhD
Johannes was born and raised in the Black Forest region, Germany. He pursued his undergraduate studies in Berlin (Bachelor of Science) and Frankfurt (Master of Science), where he specialized in characterizing proteins and protein complexes using classical structural techniques like X-ray crystallography, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and mass-spectrometry based methods. After completing his studies, Johannes moved to Utrecht, the Netherlands, to undertake a Ph.D. in the Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry group, under the guidance of Prof. dr. Albert J.R. Heck. Leveraging his experiences in structural biology and mass spectrometry, Johannes combined various structural proteomics techniques and computational modeling approaches. This enabled him to conduct in-depth studies on the structural and functional characteristics of novel proteins and protein complexes. Currently, Johannes is working in the Bertozzi lab, where his primary research focus lies in comprehending the intricate relationship between glycosylation, protein function, and disease mechanisms. To achieve this, he employs a multidisciplinary approach that involves merging structural and glyco proteomics techniques with computational methods. Through this work, Johannes aims to gain insights into the underlying mechanism(s) by which altered glycosylation influences protein function and potentially contributes to a disease mechanism.